Sewing Classes
Established in 2016 and ongoing, nearly 80 participants have successfully undergone this training. It is primarily aimed at women in the village who wish to improve their family’s economic prospects by learning to sew.
Many of them spend their time at home managing household affairs. However, with these sewing skills, they can seize the opportunity to use this activity as a source of income while managing their households.
Types of clothing taught in the Sewing Class include:
Training Schedule:
From 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, five days a week.
Comprising locals with sewing experience who have worked in Malaysia.
The hope is that one day this project will become a pioneering initiative in other regions, producing empowered and competitive Muslim communities in business.
Computer Classes Iltizam Relief Society
began offering free computer classes daily to school-going children in the government religious school of Kampong Thom.
Students learn basic computer skills such as Excel, Word, typing (in English and Khmer), and PowerPoint.
Prior to this program, these students had never seen or touched a computer. In a short span of three months, they have learned to type proficiently.
Iltizam’s goal is to provide village children with knowledge of the importance of technology in the world, enabling them to seek job opportunities in urban centers and pursue higher education at universities.