Ace Fund

Give Every Child A Future

#Back to School

The ACE Fund helps academically excelling students hindered by poverty to further their studies. Beneficiaries include children from vulnerable communities such as rubber tapper families, oil palm workers, fishermen, daily-wagers, and orphans in the lowest B40 income group.

Total laptops distributed

ACE Fund

Our tagline, “Give Every Child A Future,” encapsulates our mission. Our main programs are the “Back to School” initiative, which includes orphans, and providing free laptops to university and college students.

This project relies on your support. Every second is an opportunity to make a positive impact.

Let’s do our part today!


Key Operations


We are also renovating a madrasah for the poor and orphans. Once completed, the learning space will allow for free education for all. Currently, the madrasah has about 300 boys and girls in various grades. The capacity may be increased to 350 once the project is completed, which is expected to be in mid-2023. Ace Fund in India


We use donations received through Iltizam's Children Education Fund (ACE Fund) to provide underprivileged students at local universities with the tools they need to pursue their studies, including laptops, which are essential for achieving academic goals. To date, we have provided over 55 laptops to eligible students, who use these tools to succeed academically, take control of their lives, and give themselves a chance for a better future. Ace Fund in Malaysia

Help the People

Education for All


Iltizam Relief Society is an International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating from Malaysia. It aims to provide assistance to all; regardless of nationality.

Suite 11-01, First Floor D'Bayu Complex, Jalan Serambi U8/24, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

© Copyright 2023 by Iltizam Relief Society